South Shore Connect

Introducing South Shore Connect!

South Shore Connect is a joint venture supported by South Shore Active Communities (SSAC), Lunenburg Queens Recreation Coordinators/Directors Association (LQRCDA), Yarmouth Shelburne Municipal Recreation Association (YSMRA), and the Province of Nova Scotia.

Together, we are working to create a complete online directory of sport, recreation and active living opportunities for residents across all of the South Shore. The goal of this initiative is to share information, build community, and to make it easier and more convenient than ever to find out what’s going on around you.

Remembering that this project is still very much in the development phase, we invite you to take a sneak peek at  

If you are connected to a community group or active living opportunity, we ask that you be on the lookout for emails or communications regarding the Explore South Shore project.

Explore South Shore is a very valuable initiative that stands to benefit our communities at large. We are very excited to be able to offer this resource to our community members and look forward to bringing you more information over the coming months.